About Us

Hello and welcome! 

My name is Kaleigh and I am the creator and curator behind Old Souls Outpost. Here, you will find a carefully curated collection of handmade goods, crystals, and tools that celebrate the universe with in each of us.

I have always enjoyed working with my hands and letting my creativity flow freely.  This has led to a wide variety of skills and passions that are uniquely me.  I've also had a lifelong love of crystals, collecting them from a young age.  As I grew older, I let my affection for them fade away though I never got rid of my collection.  I brought them with me through multiple moves but never could figure out why.  I barely looked at them most days but, for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to leave them behind. 

After my son was born, I cut my hours back at my day job to care for him but felt like I had lost some of my sense of self.  This led me on a soul-searching journey which opened the flood gates on a blooming passion for the metaphysical and spiritual side of myself that I had closed off for far too long. 

As I was cleaning out my storage area, I came upon my childhood crystal collection.  I began researching the stones and they became an integral part of my journey.  I slowly found myself again and, with the help of my crystal allies, began pursuing a new path in life that felt like home.  With copious amounts of encouragement and support from both family and dear friends, I launched Old Souls Outpost at the end of 2018 to share this passion and the knowledge I've gained with you.  Our offerings will be constantly growing and changing as I grow and change on my journey.  I was certified in level 1 Reiki in the summer of 2020 and intend to pursue training to Reiki Master.  I am also a Certified Crystal Practitioner and graduate of the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy.  I am currently working on completing my Advanced Crystal Masters through HMCA as well.  Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the internet, dear friend. I hope you enjoy your visit!

Blessed Be,
